The professional body said its investments in fossil fuel companies were not compatible with its role to improve public health and wellbeing
Reports say the PM, Édouard Philippe, will announce suspension following protests
Campaign to divest MPs' pension fund of fossil fuel holdings gains further momentum
Investors worth $742bn in assets urge world leaders to help tackle financial risks by setting a 2020 deadline to end fossil fuel subsidies across biggest economies
IEA head says growth in renewables needs to be paired with coal plant closures
Major new Carbon Tracker analysis predicts peak in fossil fuel demand during the 2020s will put trillions of dollars at risks across multiple sectors
Renewables provided a quarter of all UK power generation last month, according to consultancy EnAppSys
Mining giant will split from lobby group over its stance on climate change
Sharp rise globally in the dirtiest fossil fuel investments reverses progress made after the Paris agreement, with tar sands holdings more than doubling in Trump's first year in office
University pledges to divest from firms involved in fossil fuel extraction and commits to becoming 'major international partner in development of green energy'