Reports suggest president Obama is preparing to make climate action a centrepiece of his State of the Union address, but Republicans remain deeply opposed to White House agenda
Companies are among 15 leading corporations to back report outlining business benefits of switching to 100 per cent renewable power
Leading economist argues that even under a low oil price scenario UK can expect net GDP gains from delivering fourth carbon budget
Major report from Stockholm Resilience Centre shows 18 per cent of world's population use three-quarters of economic goods and services
Pope issues fresh call for more ambitious international action on climate change
Analysis by NGO Sandbag details how power sector emissions dropped as electricity consumption continued downward trend
The collapse in the price of oil leaves green business advocates with little choice: we need to find a better way to talk about climate change
Ford's trial with low carbon cars in London suggests shift in focus for large manufacturers
New data from Bloomberg New Energy Finance suggests clean-energy investment soared 16 per cent in 2014 to $310bn
Nathan Goode reflects on an eventful 2014 for green businesses and investors