Nigel Farage vows to ditch net zero targets, tax renewables, and ban battery systems, but experts warn package would increase bills and undermine energy security
Around 300 miles of new walkways and cycle lanes to be built following new funding for Active Travel England, delivering a boost for local economies and improved air quality
Environment Agency publishes update to key directory detailing how woodland can slow flood waters by up to 50 per cent, while delivering multiple co-benefits
IEA warns geopolitical stand-offs and intensifying trade wars pose a serious risk to critical mineral supply chains and could yet undermine the net zero transition
RenewableUK warns 5GW of offshore wind farm capacity is approaching the end of its scheduled life, but there is an opportunity to keep projects operating for longer
JUST Stories Database aims to provide policymakers and businesses with examples of projects that marry decarbonisation and efforts to advance human rights
Governments agree to boost renewables and clean tech deployment through fourth UK-India Energy Dialogue
The latest record-breaking heat will have alarm bells ringing over the way rising temperatures appear to be 'overwhelming' natural climate cycles
Company has reportedly pushed back its 2035 target date for delivering its first zero emission hydrogen aircraft
Proposed agreement aims to ensure only sustainable biomass used in Yorkshire power plant, but campaigners decry 'a dirty compromise with past failures'