National climate action plans reflective of COP28 policy pledges and latest tech innovation could achieve 18GT of CO2 mitigation a year by 2035, new report argues
Conservatives propose new 'Backing Drivers Bill' to reverse ULEZ expansion and block local authority clean air and road safety measures, sparking angry response from green groups
The turbulent 2019-2024 Parliamentary term has drawn to a close, with many promised green policies and legislation running out of road before the election was called - but a handful of laws beat last month's cut-off point
Heat pumps popular with more than half of Brits let down by oil-boilers despite 'culture war' misinformation, study claims
Despite slight fall in the UK price cap millions of homes are still facing high energy costs in part due to sluggish ongoing progress installing green home upgrades, according to ECIU
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive will require firms operating in the EU to strengthen efforts to tackle environmental and human rights impacts in their supply chains
Electric vehicle charging trade body publishes 12 point plan to accelerate charger deployment and ensure charging networks keep pace with rising demand
Seven-in-ten green business leaders believe time and money spent on reporting administration is hampering progress towards sustainability goals, new study claims
IIGCC sets out investor priorities for the next government to help accelerate transition to a competitive, energy-secure, resilient, and climate-neutral economy