Latest wave of funding to local authorities and social housing providers to deliver energy efficiency upgrades to up to 170,000 homes, delivering cost savings to thousands of families facing fuel poverty
WRAP CEO Harriet Lamb explains why bringing the circular economy into every home and boardroom deserves more serious attention, and how she's learned to love her freezer
Former Science Minister Lord Willetts appointed to head up new body tasked with accelerating progress in emerging sectors, such as AI and alternative proteins
Next in the BusinessGreen Intelligence Spotlight, Adam Root, founder and CEO of Matter, debunks the myth that sustainable solutions aren't commercially viable
The zero waste economy represents our most promising pathway to meaningful environmental change, going far beyond traditional recycling that we know cannot cope with out growing mountain of waste, writes City to Sea CEO Jane Martin
Launch date for system designed to make it easier for aggregators to register flexible assets is brought forward by a year to 2027
Delta joins Alaska Airlines and EasyJet in support of a potentially game-changing new plane design touted by developer JetZero as capable of halving flight emissions
Tech giant to purchase 1.5 million tonnes of carbon removal credits from Climate Impact Partners and Terra Natural Capital-backed project in India
Fresh funds to support Epoch's first plant, the expansion of its plastic-eating enzyme library, and partnerships with fashion, automotive, and chemical firms
'Climate contradiction' exposed by university study detailing how richer Brits who are driving both EV and heat pump demand still boast an oversized carbon footprint