Profundo research estimates 31 meat, dairy, and animal feed producers together face $116bn in losses from climate-related risks by 2030
Private landlords will need to ensure properties achieve an EPC rating of C or above by 2030 under proposals launched for consultation today
Once completed the facility could produce up to 10,000 tonnes of lithium a year for use in EV batteries and energy storage systems, Weardale Lithium claims
Collaboration with ARC Marine to test durability of low carbon cement in range of marine environments
New analysis highlights how anaerobic digestion plants and other farming interventions could slash greenhouse gas emissions from grass-fed beef cattle
Despite record numbers of green organisations disclosing data on the racial diversity of their workforce, RACE Report shows sector still falls short of national average for workplace diversity
London accommodation block for over 850 students developed by Urbanest recognised for energy efficient and low carbon construction and design approaches
The team behind the Urban Farmer Project serve up key insights into how they turned a former pub near Fleet Street into a source of sustainable food
New Economics Foundation warns government will miss targets under Warm Homes Plan without subsidised loan scheme
Major consultation exercise aims to shape new strategy to ensure UK delivers on food security, clean energy, nature, and housing goals, but government promises it 'will not tell people what to do'