Greenpeace warns supertrawlers are damaging marine habitats, as it calls on government to act on its commitment to protect 30 per cent of UK waters by 2030
Hotly-anticipated Planning and Infrastructure Bill to be introduced to Parliament on Tuesday setting out sweeping reforms to speed up development of new homes, clean power projects, and EV charging networks
New 'Together We Fly' campaign aims to inspire hope and raise awareness of charity’s broader nature protection efforts
Former Science Minister Lord Willetts appointed to head up new body tasked with accelerating progress in emerging sectors, such as AI and alternative proteins
LFC to use Direct Air Capture technology to remove carbon associated with the production of a range of club products
New advanced tritium fuel cycle facility aims to explore tritium recovery and re-use and its role in the supply and generation of fuel for future fusion power plants
Households and communities are to receive money off their bills in return for hosting new overhead power cables and substations, the government confirms
Government unveils clean-up plans following years of campaigns and complaints over sewage spills in Lake Windermere
Launch date for system designed to make it easier for aggregators to register flexible assets is brought forward by a year to 2027
Floating solar array would cover roughly a third of the water at Cavendish Dock in Barrow, providing clean power for nearby industry and manufacturing firms