Profundo research estimates 31 meat, dairy, and animal feed producers together face $116bn in losses from climate-related risks by 2030
Private landlords will need to ensure properties achieve an EPC rating of C or above by 2030 under proposals launched for consultation today
UNFCCC executive secretary Simon Stiell describes climate action as 'a money-making opportunity too big to ignore' in first major speech of a crucial year for climate diplomacy
Cultivated meat specialist Meatly claims its product is 'just as tasty and nutritious' as real chicken but without the animal and environmental impacts
Analysis by Wildlife and Countryside Link finds only a fraction of expected land has been supported for nature recovery through the Biodiversity Net Gain scheme since its launch last year
Science Based Targets initiative reportedly loses one of its biggest financial backers, but group maintains three year incubation grant had simply run its course as planned
The boss of Britain's biggest business group, Rain Newton-Smith, reckons the government should double down on net zero and green growth in response to mounting global trade war
Britain's biggest solar project looks set to be a central battleground in Labour's war against the 'blockers' – could major planning reform enhance or damage support for net zero?
Funding expected to generate £400m-£600m of new investments in businesses tackling climate change and poverty across emerging markets, according to Foreign Office
Despite record numbers of green organisations disclosing data on the racial diversity of their workforce, RACE Report shows sector still falls short of national average for workplace diversity