New 10 year partnership to see over £60m invested in improving animal welfare standards and slashing emissions across the pork supply chain
New government-led group comprising owners of 10 per cent of England aims to develop plans to help meeting UK's domestic and global biodiversity goals
New AXA XL and Nature Positive study explores nature-related risks across sectors including chemicals, construction materials, food, drink, and agriculture
UK reported to be weighing up whether to link its emissions trading system with the European Union's carbon market
New UK National Action Plan on Pesticides includes UK-wide goal to reduce environmental risk from pesticides by 10 per cent by 2030
Nest and UBS AM report says current climate risk models have 'inherent limitations'
Green Party of England and Wales announces Harriet Lamb as new CEO, as it prepares for pivotal local elections
Poll from WWF reveals strong public support for bolder action to protect nature, as separate surveys reveal majority backing for net zero transition
Government unveils plans to create first new National Forest in 30 years stretching from the Cotswolds to the Mendips
Publicly-owned clean power investment company announces first ever investment, which is expected to help cut NHS and school energy bills in England by £400m over 30 years