Regenerative farming is critical to creating a more climate-resilient future for the fashion industry and the global farming community, writes CottonConnect's Alison Ward
The UK needs decisive and ambitious climate leadership if it wants to restore business confidence, writes Climate Group's Helen Clarkson
BusinessGreen to host exclusive network of senior leaders in the UK's green economy.
If you squint hard enough there's a path to carbon removal at a gigatonne scale - but it’s far from guaranteed, writes Shopify's Mitchel Selby
Collaboration is needed between the construction sector and higher education providers to deliver a net zero built environment, writes Henry Boot's Serena Lang
Characterisations of Drax as the world's biggest wood burner are misleading and sometimes deliberately dishonest, argues environmental campaigner Jonathan Porritt
A targeted reduction in base interest rates for clean energy investment would simultaneously tackle economic and climate challenges, argues NatPower UK CEO Stefano Sommadossi
With just months remaining of this Parliament, government needs to get on with the regulation and legislation critical to cleaning up waterways, writes CEN's Kitty Thompson
With heavy rainfall and rising sea levels increasing the frequency and intensity of floods, businesses need to take stock of how prepared they are, writes AECOM’s Robert Spencer