The High Court recently declared the UK's climate adaptation strategy was lawful, but Friends of the Earth and co-claimants are now seeking to appeal the decision
In a world facing multiple and cascading crises, incremental change won't cut it - but transformational change remains possible, according to Forum for the Future's Sally Uren
Survey of leading supply chain companies reveals growing confidence in UK offshore wind sector
Drinks giant announces 'evolved voluntary environmental goals', as campaigners warn move is 'short-sighted, irresponsible, and worthy of widespread condemnation'
Trewin Restorick warns too many corporate climate strategies are failing to engage with how they can benefit the wider community
Company confirms first production car since high profile rebrand will be an electric four-door GT that will be built in the UK
Naming and marketing rules have come into force, but is the market responding?
FCA measures aim to improve trust and transparency of sustainable investment products and reduce risks of 'greenwashing'
While green skills are critically important B&Q's director of responsible business argues they can ultimately be learnt on the job
Energy giant says it is looking to recruit 1,000 people next year and is keen to tap into skills base provided by Grangemouth refinery ahead of its closure