The Asset Owner Statement on Climate Stewardship - led by the People’s Pension, Brunel Pension Partnership and Scottish Widows and others - sets out expectations for the sector on tackling the climate crisis
Environment Agency publishes update to key directory detailing how woodland can slow flood waters by up to 50 per cent, while delivering multiple co-benefits
The latest record-breaking heat will have alarm bells ringing over the way rising temperatures appear to be 'overwhelming' natural climate cycles
'First-of-its-kind' complaint against WPP argues firm should not make climate pledges while helping to promote the world's most polluting companies
Damage to homes and businesses from extreme weather events is leading to rising pay outs as the climate crisis intensifies, the latest data shows
Salesforce, Hugging Face, Cohere, and Carnegie Mellon University launch public ratings for more than 200 commonly-used AI models
Profundo research estimates 31 meat, dairy, and animal feed producers together face $116bn in losses from climate-related risks by 2030
Defra confirms plans for over £2.6bn of investment in 1,000 flood defence projects that aim to help protect up to 66,500 homes
EXCLUSIVE: More than half of CSOs at 50 multinational firms quizzed by pollster Ipsos believe colleagues are diluting green pledges amid fears of stoking negative political or shareholder pushback
National Fire Chiefs Council urges UK and devolved governments take urgent steps to boost climate resilience as extreme weather events become more frequent