Legal action over Michael Gove's decision to curtail more ambitious energy efficiency standards from local authorities set to proceed to High Court
Actor Steve Coogan joins campaign calling for urgent action to tackle pollution in England's largest lake
Judge orders Judicial Review of National Adaptation Programme following latest legal action targeting the government’s climate policies
Rapidly growing divergence on key environmental regulations presents challenges for businesses, think tank warns
Influential taskforce launches 'globally applicable' set of resources to help firms build put net zero transition plans and access green finance
Money raised from fines for pollution breaches is to be reinvested in new Water Restoration Fund
Close to 3,000 firms disclose on plastic-related risks for the first time, but thousands have not set targets for managing impacts
However, fresh data from the WRI shows progress in combatting deforestation in Brazil and Colombia was offset by worsening picture in other key countries such as Bolivia, Laos and Nicaragua in 2023
EAC urges government to hold aviation industry to account over proposed emissions cuts and fast-track first review of Jet Zero Strategy
From today, legal requirements to deliver a 10 per cent Biodiversity Net Gain on housing, industrial, and commercial projects now cover small-scale developments