Chinese electric vehicle giant announces a major new partnership in Africa, the EU courts controversy with aviation emissions plans, and work starts on Australia's largest wind farm
BusinessGreen Editor’s Briefing: June
Chris Skidmore slams former colleagues for embracing 'extremist rhetoric that frames net zero policies as an imposition'
One of the biggest UN polls ever has revealed overwhelming public support for bolder climate action - it is the job of political and business leaders to deliver
Latest analysis from Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit argues new North Sea oil and gas projects are a 'largely irrelevant' sideshow in energy security debate
Satirical video released as separate poll shows eight out of 10 voters are concerned about climate issues and campaigners accuse politicians of going 'AWOL on the environment'
Just two donor nations have provided enough international nature finance to compensate for their historic role in nature loss, according to a new ODI analysis
Four-in-five respondents to unprecedented global survey want their governments to take stronger action to tackle the climate crisis
Carbon Tracker think tank warns blue hydrogen and gas-focused carbon capture projects could damage chances of meeting climate targets
Labour and the Conservatives offer differing visions for the future of the North Sea oil and gas industry, with significant implications for the economy, energy security, and the net zero transition