Labour government continues to push forward with overhaul of UK planning system, as it looks to accelerate development of new housing and clean energy infrastructure
Defra announces review of Environment Act targets in areas such as air quality, water pollution, biodiversity and tree planting
More than half of Labour voters expect publicly owned, clean power company to cut their bills this Parliament, new polling finds
Rachel Reeves warns of 'difficult decisions', as she confirms government response to dire fiscal inheritance will seek to save billions from departmental budgets and winter fuel payments
Conservative Environment Network and former Party leaders urge leadership candidates to put market-led green policies at heart of efforts to rebuild the party
Environment Secretary warns condition of flood defences 'far worse than we were led to believe', as Labour accuses Tories of leaving public finances in terrible state
Van and commercial fleet operators keen to make EV switch urge government to address high upfront costs and lack of charge points
Biden administration funds 25 clean energy technology projects spanning 30 states, Chinese state-run oil and gas producer joins COP28 charter and German government defeated in ‘EU first’ air pollution case
Government appoints self-described 'Austro-British industrialist' Juergen Maier CBE as ‘start-up’ chair for Great British Energy
Government announces 'unprecedented' partnership as it also introduces trailed bills for Great British Energy and The Crown Estate to Parliament today