IPPR warns simply slashing planning rules will fail to unlock necessary infrastructure investment, arguing better planning rules and resourcing holds key to government's growth mission
Drones to scan houses and track heat losses, slashing the cost of identifying which homes are in most need of energy efficiency improvements
Plans to retain and retrofit existing building will allow developers to 'substantially reduce carbon footprint' of revamped office block
Private landlords will need to ensure properties achieve an EPC rating of C or above by 2030 under proposals launched for consultation today
Once completed the facility could produce up to 10,000 tonnes of lithium a year for use in EV batteries and energy storage systems, Weardale Lithium claims
Collaboration with ARC Marine to test durability of low carbon cement in range of marine environments
London accommodation block for over 850 students developed by Urbanest recognised for energy efficient and low carbon construction and design approaches
The team behind the Urban Farmer Project serve up key insights into how they turned a former pub near Fleet Street into a source of sustainable food
New Economics Foundation warns government will miss targets under Warm Homes Plan without subsidised loan scheme
France-headquartered demand response firm says investment will aim to develop 5GW of capacity for UK residential and commercial buildings over next five years