Last year marked the first time building-related emissions appeared to decouple from growth across the sector, although it remains far off track to meet global climate goals, according to UNEP
National Wealth Fund and The Housing Finance Corporation launch social housing retrofit facility backed by £150m financial guarantee
Government unveils new plans to increase timber use across the construction sector in support of net zero targets
Research from the Centre for Ageing Better and think tank Demos finds network of 'Good Home Hubs' could help UK improve housing stock and meet climate goals
New homes for Harrogate Housing Association to feature range of clean technologies and energy efficiency measures
Insulation specialist meets goal to use one billion recycled plastic bottles in its products a year ahead of schedule through partnership with Synthesia Technology
Housebuilder and energy firm start work to build 113 homes at 'UK's largest' Zero Bills development in Essex
Research into what households in the UK, Finland, Sweden and Romania most want from their home heating system, may provide crucial insights into how to encourage adoption of low carbon sources
IPPR warns simply slashing planning rules will fail to unlock necessary infrastructure investment, arguing better planning rules and resourcing holds key to government's growth mission
Drones to scan houses and track heat losses, slashing the cost of identifying which homes are in most need of energy efficiency improvements