Latest half day BusinessGreen conference to take place on Friday December 7th in central London
Tailoring effective green marketing messages and cutting through the noise to highlight the urgent need for bolder climate action has never been important. And yet at the same developing the right green messaging for the right audience has never been more complicated.
The next BusinessGreen Leaders Briefing conference on December 7th aims to provide invaluable guidance on how to address these communications challenges and there is just a few days left to reserve your place.
The event will take place at the May Fair Hotel in central London ahead of the BusinessGreen Technology Awards on the afternoon of December 7th.
The half day conference will feature keynote speeches from Leo Barasi, author of the The Climate Majority, on the latest polling on public attitudes towards climate action and how to develop an effective narrative for driving bolder decarbonisation efforts.
The session will be followed by a panel discussion on the dos and don'ts of green marketing, a number of case studies on how businesses are developing effective green communications strategies, and a presentation from Hubbub co-founder Trewin Restorick on how leading businesses have responded to the 'war on plastic waste'.
Tickets are now available for the conference and guest passes are also on offer for BusinessGreen Leaders Subscribers and those companies buying three or more tickets for the afternoon's BusinessGreen Technology Awards.