Credit: Octopus Energy
BusinessGreen rounds up the most widely read stories on the site this week
'Power-ups': Octopus and UKPN to offer free electricity during spikes in renewables generation
Octopus Energy and UK Power Networks to provide free green electricity to local grids at times of high wind and solar generation.
- by Stuart Stone (@sstone26)
Summer sales surge sees one battery electric car registered every 60 seconds
Industry confirms sales of battery electric vehicles soared 88 per cent year-on-year last month to account for 16 per cent of the market.
- by James Murray (@James_BG)
Over two-thirds of Brits support UK's net zero target
Latest polling reveals 70 per cent of the public support the government's net zero goal, with just 18 per cent opposed.
- by James Murray (@James_BG)
Google study finds AI can help pilots minimise climate-warming aircraft contrails
Tests carried out by Google, American Airlines, and Breakthrough Energy suggest pilots can steer clear of routes that create climate-warming contrails.
- by Michael Holder @michaelholder
It's time for this country's hard-working, not-so-silent politicians to stop misleading the public about the green agenda
Priti Patel's latest attack on green policies makes little sense and offers no alternative vision for the future - BusinessGreen takes the scalpel to her claims, line-by-line.
- by James Murray (@James_BG)
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