Robertsbridge's Charles Secrett takes a tour d'horizon across the UK's green economy, and asks if mainstream businesses are ready for the disruption ahead
Environment Secretary says government commitment to improving environment means leaving 'the statute book in a better state than we inherited it'
Co-leaders Caroline Lucas and Jonathan Bartley use Spring conference speech to dismiss 25 Year Environment Plan as 'desperately disappointing'
Chair of Environmental Audit Committee Mary Creagh writes to Chancellor Philip Hammond to ask where is the government's promised call for evidence on proposed plastic tax?
Producer responsibility schemes would jump-start the circular economy in the UK, argues Nick Oettinger from The Furniture Recyling Group
EEF's Roz Bulleid argues that despite reams of new government strategy papers on environmental and green business issues, some important details remain unresolved
Inspired by popularity of hashtag #naystrawatall, Scottish government is investigating whether it can impose a national ban on plastic straws
Latest 'Brexit Risk Tracker' analysis suggests all main areas of environmental policy still under medium or high risk of weaker standards after UK leaves the EU
The policy blitz being aimed at plastic waste has barely started, and both the UK and Brussels are driving it
The surge in corporate plastic reduction and recycling commitments following the launch of the government's 25 Year Environment Plan has continued to gather pace