Breitling Energy's Telegraph advert 'misled the public'
Poll suggests public underestimates scientific consensus around climate change, as well as contribution of green energy to electricity mix
BusinessGreen Leaders Awards Green PR Company of the Year Hill+Knowlton Strategies reveals how it helped the wind energy industry get a fair hearing
Statement by America’s biggest public relations firm may be the industry’s first official position on climate denial
UK to introduce new European Commission scheme in a bid to make it easier for clean tech firms to prove their cutting-edge products work as advertised
Robertsbridge's Brendan May on why he's sceptical about yet another new buzzword in the sustainable business movement
Sainsbury's insists that when it comes to price comparisons whether a product is Fairtrade and where it comes from matters to customers - and it is willing to go to court to make its case
International Broadcasting Trust urges TV producers to tell the story of climate change through comedy or drama rather than just news
Accenture's Justin Keeble argues that a new breed of green-minded consumers present a major opportunity for savvy businesses
Consumer research finds conservative shoppers avoid purchasing an item associated with protecting the environment