Government argues revised plan is designed to complement existing 2019 Clean Air Strategy, but critics accuse Ministers of shifting 'all the political risk on to hard-working councillors'
New data from TomTom shows UK capital consumes more diesel and petrol on a per mile basis than anywhere else in the world, thanks in large part to rush hour congestion
London Mayor Sadiq Khan claims benefits of introducing Ultra Low Emission Zone across inner reaches of city ‘beyond dispute’
Grants worth up to £9,500 available to help businesses and charities switch to cleaner vehicles ahead of ULEZ expansion
Rolling out heat pumps and other green home heating systems will be critical to combatting chronic air pollution across the UK, argues Conservative peer Lord Randall
Clean Air Fund publishes new research detailing how most of the UK could deliver air quality in line with WHO recommendations by 2030
New UK Best Available Techniques regime will aim to help curb industrial air pollution by adapting EU approach for British industries
Package of new air quality guidance for local authorities in England unveiled by UK government
Funding will help councils beef up regional air quality strategies and boost public awareness of pollution risks
The new Tyre Extinguishers' group is targetting fuel-hungry vehicles in bid to highlight their outsized contribution to urban air pollution and the climate crisis