Nebraskan court gives green light to Keystone XL pipeline route through state increasing pressure on President Obama to approve controversial project
'If this bill passes this Congress, the president wouldn’t sign it'
President gives clearest indication yet that he is deeply sceptical about case for controversial tar sands pipeline
Obama hopes to sustain global warming momentum next month
If environmental red tape is the source of so many economic woes, why is the evidence of the harm they cause so sketchy?
Obama administration continues green push with new proposals to strengthen air quality standards through the Clean Air Act
Todd Stern claims the world will have to forgo developing reserves of oil, coal and gas in order to solve global warming
The G20 yesterday promised 'strong and effective' climate action, despite opposition from Australia - BusinessGreen looks at the key implications of the latest climate commitments
Controversial bill supporting project will be debated in the Senate after winning House approval, but President is expected to veto it
World leaders insist on G20 reaffirmation of support for climate action and the phasing out of fossil fuels, in face of opposition from Australian Prime Minister