As the UK readies for the upcoming COP26 Summit in Glasgow in November, the Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change urge government to deliver ambitious net zero strategy
Pressure grows on the government to ramp up net zero policies and diplomatic efforts ahead of COP26
All modes of high-speed travel come with a cost to the environment, and their climate impacts need to be considered holistically
The reshuffle makes it clearer than ever that Boris Johnson owns Brexit, the net zero transition, and COP26 - the pressure to deliver on his many promises is only going to intensify
Farming, Fisheries and Food Minister wins promotion to top job at Defra where he will be responsible for delivering government's post-Brexit environmental and agriculture legislation
Boris Johnson makes sweeping changes to top green jobs in government ahead of crucial year for UK's net zero strategy and COP26 preparations
Banning the sale of petrol and diesel cars in 2035 means that we need new policy now, argues Ed Birkett
Prime Minister concedes costs have spiralled but argues 'poor management has not detracted from the fundamental value of the project'
New five year funding package to deliver at least 4,000 zero emission buses and a series of 'Mini Holland' cycle infrastructure plans
This week's COP26 launch may have got off to a tempestuous start, but all the elements are there for a genuinely transformative and historic Summit, the Prime Minister just needs to articulate the net zero narrative