Company set to supply 'majority' of the 16 million smart meters British Gas is rolling out to its customers
Free British Gas tool shows property owners what energy-saving measures they are eligible for under Green Deal and ECO schemes
Customers with smart meters will receive free power if they switch more of their usage to the weekend
Toyota, Nissan, Honda, and Mitsubishi to part-fund planned five-fold expansion of country's recharging network
Warm Up North scheme aims to retrofit 50,000 properties through the Green Deal and ECO
Exclusive: Snapshot investigation uncovers 'teething troubles' with initial energy efficiency assessments
Entrance of major name into British shale sector could be catalyst for fracking industry
Centrica in talks with leading fracking company over purchase of stake in Bowland shale in north-west England
Utility plans to roll out 4energy's telecoms and data centre efficiency technology to its corporate customers
British Gas' Hayley Grocock explains why the energy giant is committed to transforming the lives of over 1,000 young people