Environment committee votes for emission standards that would halt the building of coal-fired plants without CCS
Governor Schwarzenegger signals toxic substance crackdown
New reporting guidelines to help government departments and carbon offset operators to comply with state's climate change targets
Southern California Edison to undertake $1.63bn smart meter roll out
As it emerges Sarah Palin has lobbied California to ditch green shipping rules that she claims would damage the economy, two new US studies offering contrasting views on the economic impact of carbon regulation
Proposed high-speed rail network could go zero carbon
New research claims impact of shipping pollution far higher than previously thought, paving way for tighter regulations
But rules imposing cleaner fuel on ships on track for 2009 launch
Scores out of ten to name and shame most polluting cars
Carbon labels represent a great way of forcing firms to face up to their supply chain's carbon footprint. But how do these labels work and which one will win out in the end? Danny Bradbury investigates