Moderate Democrats and Republicans increasingly confident they can secure the 60 votes needed to pass cap-and-trade legislation
Europol estimates carbon credit VAT fraud carried out by organised criminals could have cost EU billions in lost tax revenue
Controversial draft agreement signals that key industrialised nations will support global scheme to raise climate funds from aviation and shipping
Landmark ruling strengthens president's ability to deliver climate change deals in both Washington and Copenhagen
Short-haul operators and inefficient airlines likely to see profits hit by inclusion in EU emissions trading scheme
Danish government joins UK, France and Netherlands in imposing new rules to tackle "carousel fraud"
Energy firms predict further increases in carbon price are imminent if phase three allowances are not auctioned earlier
Climate bill defeated in 41-33 vote, as government insists it will put the bill before the Senate for a third time on Friday
Draft proposals could see about 600 carbon-intensive firms included in carbon trading scheme from 2012
Minister dismisses "exaggerated" cost projections, arguing that offsets will help reduce the cost of meeting 25 per cent target