Cap-and-trade scheme to "fill the vacuum created by the failure of Congress to pass any kind of climate or energy legislation"
Experts believe reports of US carbon market death have been greatly exaggerated
President puts himself on collision course with newly elected Republicans who "ignore the science" on climate change
Chicago Climate Exchange chief says companies want to pull out, blaming a lack of emissions legislation for making the scheme unviable
Regional carbon trading scheme on track to launch in 2012
Campaign group Sandbag calls for tighter caps on greenhouse gas emissions in Europe
Government insists it will push to have stalled climate bill in place before November's Mexico summit
With Australia's official Department of Climate Change web site still saying the delayed cap-and-trade scheme will go ahead, businesses have warned uncertainty over the price of carbon will hit investor confidence
Australian Prime Minister drops plans for climate bill, blaming on-going blocking tactics from opposition parties
New strategy shifts attention away from cap-and-trade in order to focus on emission cuts from homes, transport and utilities