Your need-to-know guide to the pre-recess energy policy blitz from BEIS
BusinessGreen brings you all the green news from around the world this week
With Greenpeace backing a judicial review into the Capacity Market suspension, hopes are fading fast that auctions could go ahead this year - and that implications for coal and clean tech alike
Andrew Warren reflects on the EU's challenge to the UK's capacity market and asks if this really is all about the 'procedural matters' Ministers have claimed
Probe will determine whether subsidy scheme is in line with EU State Aid rules following shock court ruling last year
BEIS Committee raises concern over EU's suspension of Capacity Market, while Lords Committee wants answers on plans for a no-deal Brexit carbon tax
It has been a week of turmoil in Westminster, but where do recent events leave a UK clean energy policy landscape that was already in flux?
ECJ rules EU Commission should have done more to investigate whether Capacity Market is in breach of State Aid rules following legal challenge brought by Tempus Energy
Labour's Alan Whitehead argues the government's consultation on the Feed-in Tariff scheme and support for solar proves it: there is one rule for renewables and another for non-renewables
Claire Perry announces plan to auction 46.3GW of power for 2022/23 period and 4.6GW for 2019/20 to ensure enough power in case of any surges in demand