We should empower our central bank to go further in steering capital flows towards the low-carbon economy, argues Positive Money's executive director Fran Boait
MPs want mandatory climate reporting within three years to avoid risk to investments
Bank of England governor says firms that ignore crisis 'will go bankrupt without question'
Shell's Ben van Beurden recently declared the pursuit of a net zero economy was 'the only way to go', but how can the fossil fuel industry overcome the barriers that block the path to deep decarbonisation?
Insurance giant becomes the largest US insurer to date to announce it will halt underwriting for companies that are reliant on coal mining and power plants
First exam for new ESG investment qualification to take place on 1 December
Ex-archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams welcomes plans for fully costed proposals
Latest Carbon Tracker report provides fresh evidence energy sector is exposed to billions of dollars of transition risk as the world pivots to a low carbon economy
'The world's leading investor in climate destruction can no longer evade responsibility'
Having confirmed they are to bring the latest wave of actions to an end, Christian activists this morning staged a protests at Canary Wharf warning 'business as usual = death'