Teenage activist claims 'it doesn't take a college degree in economics' to realise world is on course to blow a hole in 1.5C carbon budget
Fossil fuel emissions have increased four per cent since the Paris Agreement was reached in 2015, according to a major international research project
New report warns none of the oil and gas majors are on track to be aligned with the Paris Agreement by 2040, with some firms needing to cut production by as much as 85 per cent
UK failing to prepare for impacts of climate change while plans for cutting emissions remain lacking, Committee on Climate Change warns
Climate campaigners remain insistent airport expansion is incompatible with UK's emission reduction targets
FT reports government is planning to roll over surplus in previous carbon budgets to make it easier to meet future targets, in direct defiance of CCC advice
A day after Theresa May defended the government's 'fine record' on climate change, officials confirm emissions projections for the UK's upcoming carbon budgets have worsened
A net zero target would present an unparalleled opportunity for UK green business - provided government matches it with bolder policy making
UK emissions may be on their longest falling streak in modern history, but signs are growing that a new wave of climate policies and investments are urgently needed
In advising the government not to carry forward surplus carbon emissions into the UK's next budget period, the CCC has warned the government's decarbonisation policies are behind schedule