Bedfordshire pilot testbed seen as key milestone in the development of planned full-scale carbon capture system at the forthcoming Protos energy from waste facility in Cheshire
The Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary is still fighting to advance the UK's clean energy plans, writes Roger Harrabin, but he would be wise to find more space for energy storage in his vision for the grid
Report from DNV forecasts the UK economy is on track to slash greenhouse gas emissions 82 per cent by 2050, but fall short of net zero goal
Construction of CO2 transport and storage infrastructure and gas-fired power plant fitted with CCS now expected to start in summer 2025
New report argues that the roll out of carbon capture technology across the Energy from Waste sector could create over 14,000 jobs and slash UK emissions
Figures from Global CCS Institute highlight extent to which carbon capture development pipeline is dominated by oil and gas interests
The latest report from the Global CCS Institute reveals how the pipeline of carbon capture projects is growing fast, but questions remain over the industry's ability to deliver at scale
Labour's £22bn pledge for CCS is a welcome step, but more nuanced policy is required to deliver a decarbonised and resilient energy system, argues the Grantham Institute's Esin Serin
Funding and industry agreements set to kick start series of carbon capture, transport, and storage projects across the North East and North West of England from 2028
Energy from waste operator enfinium flicks switch on pilot project at Ferrybridge facility that is set to capture one tonne of CO2 a day