A new analysis suggests that while the carbon market 'remained on ice' last year there are signs it could be entering an exciting new phase
Negative media coverage and lack of integrity initiative guidance behind $1bn drop in voluntary carbon market investment in 2023, study claims
Study claims vast majority of 2030 climate targets set by 51 major global companies fall far short of what is needed to cap global warming at 1.5C
International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance announces refreshed Code of Best Practice for firms trading carbon credits
Success of the global market for carbon credits hinges on whether confidence among corporate buyers can be restored, according to influential analyst firm
Carbon trading scheme set to be expanded to domestic maritime transport and waste sectors in second half of 2020s, government confirms
London-based firm backed by banks including NatWest, UBS, Standard Chartered plans to launch 'transparent and secure' carbon credit trading network in 2023
IETA, World Bank, and Singapore government announce launch of global open-source metadata system that aims to unify carbon credit registry data
As interest and scrutiny involving the use of carbon credits toward net zero goals intensifies, resources from Shopify, Frontier Climate, and Ecosystem Marketplace have some answers for corporate buyers