Statement on national emissions targets expected from Holyrood later today, following recent advice from Climate Change Committee that sluggish policy progress has rendered ambitious 2030 climate goal 'no longer credible'
Judge orders Judicial Review of National Adaptation Programme following latest legal action targeting the government’s climate policies
Advisors warn continuing policy delays mean it is highly unlikely Scotland will be able to meet its ambitious climate goals
Climate Change Committee claims evidence of the UK’s inadequate response to worsening climate impacts continues to mount
Government will be putting climate goals at risk if it decides to loosen future carbon budgets, climate advisors warn
Conservative peer and former chair of the Climate Change Committee submits witness statement in support of legal action accusing government of breaching Climate Change Act
Environmental Audit Committee publishes proposals for how Parliament can have greater say in how Carbon Budgets are set as they are being planned
In the past few days the British Chamber of Commerce, the IMF, and the CCC have all urged the government to strengthen decarbonisation policies - but will the message get through?
Report on role at COP28 praises UK contribution, but warns leadership on the international stage is being undermined by mixed messages at home
BusinessGreen rounds up the most widely read stories on the site this week