WATCH: The Net Zero Festival 2023 hears from WRAP's Sebastian Munden, CCEP's Sam Jones, Tetra Pak's Awantika Chadha, and Again's Brian Matuszewski on how to tackle waste and boost circular economy thinking
Shoemaker Crocs wants to keep old shoes out of landfills and reclaim materials that could be used in new products
Refurbished tech leaders Whirlpool and eBay reveal how they have upgraded their approach to second-hand goods and curating 'compelling' circular consumer offers
CCm Technologies to transform cocoa shells discarded at Cargill factory into low-carbon fertiliser pellets for wheat farmers
Enhanced producer responsibility puts a price on the packaging materials a company brings into a state - and they are increasingly popular with policymakers
Food sharing app co-founder and CEO Tessa Clarke explains why food waste needs its ‘Blue Planet moment’ and discusses the challenge of funding and monetising a platform that relies on 'sharing your spare'
Podback's Rick Hindley and Nespresso's Mary Child discuss blending local authorities, kerbside collection, and pod producers into a brand-neutral recycling scheme that can clean up the UK's coffee habit
ABB FIA Formula E world championship winners reveal e-waste racing car built from products donated by Music Magpie and school children
The current tax system actively discourages business models that save consumers money and free up resources, warns Green Alliance's Jasmine Dhaliwal
Defra sets out vision for designing out waste in products and encouraging repair, reuse and recycling in long-awaited Waste Prevention Programme for England