Supermarket hails breakthrough that can ensure food-grade PET can remain in the supply chain rather than be ‘downcycled’
The Body Shop's global sustainability and activism director Chris Davis talks to BusinessGreen about how the almost 50-year-old cosmetics retailer is putting circularity squarely in its revamped shop window
The new Coalition for Wind Industry Circularity has been launched in a bid to bring a more circular supply chain to the UK renewables industry
New survey released for Repair Week finds that 60 per cent of Londoners have electrical items at home in need of repair
Repair shops can crack down on consumer waste, reduce household spending, create jobs and revitalise Britain's high streets, writes Hubbub's Alex Robinson
New report argues circular economy policies and practices could cut construction industry carbon emissions by nearly 40 per cent inside 12 years
Canopy's Nicole Rycroft and Vedra Partners' James Hughes set out the case for investing in sustainable materials
How much wood would a wood-consuming world waste? Formed in 2018 under the auspices of the USDA Forest Service, the Urban Wood Project began in Baltimore to reclaim wood that would otherwise be burned or landfilled
From smart sockets to solar fabric, these businesses and innovations could be great additions to your sustainability toolkit
Collaboration between international NGOs aims to promote vision for a global circular economy and step up calls for a Global Plastics Treaty