Google and Walmart among those who signed a White House pledge to support a strong climate agreement and reduce their emissions
President Obama is today taking part in a discussion with Intel, Hershey and others on tackling climate change
Opower SVP Nadeem Sheikh reveals the company's vision for flexible, responsive and renewable-friendly energy systems
Technological innovation alone will not solve climate change, argues Peter Kelly-Detwiler
France and Peru say countries are edging towards consensus over the shape of global deal, as Ban Ki Moon praises US Clean Power Plan
Boosting renewables and cracking down on coal: the key lessons from the centrepiece of the President's Carbon Action Plan
Alpha Natural Resources files for Chapter 11 protection as plummeting coal prices leave company struggling with debt mountain
BusinessGreen runs down the need to know facts from the EPA's new power plant rules
Obama: 'I don't want my grandkids not to be able to swim in Hawaii or climb a mountain and see a glacier because we didn't do something about it'
UK green energy cutbacks look "parochial and small-minded" against EPA's Clean Power Plan, says Greenpeace