Check out all the winners and highly commended finalists from the second annual BusinessGreen Technology Awards
James Murray's speech to the second annual BusinessGreen Technology Awards
Marrakesh summit sees the launch of a major initiative to promote clean technologies, as city-based coalition welcomes new members
Oxford-based firm ZapGo claims its rapid-charge device can power up phones, computers, power tools and electric vehicles
Antoine Dechezleprêtre argues a renewed cleantech R&D push is urgently needed if governments are to honour the Paris Agreement
Shortlist for the UK's leading clean tech awards brings together some of Europe's most exciting green businesses
Researchers produce record 2.05 atmospheres of pressure in small tokamak device
BusinessGreen joins the Novozymes chief executive at Grain Store in London's King's Cross to talk biofuel, food security, and sustainability while sampling some 'veg-centric' dining
The slowdown in clean energy investment should be focusing minds in governments and boardrooms around the world
Bloomberg New Energy Finance reports clean energy investment endured its weakest quarter since 2013 as summer lull amplified by wider slowdown