The UK's climate resilience spending is running to stand still, providing further evidence that attempts to 'just adapt' to climate change will come at huge cost
National Audit Office warns the number of properties set to receive improved flood protection has been slashed by 40 per cent, leaving thousands of homes at risk
Latest UNEP Adaptation Gap Report warns world needs to invest hundreds of billions of dollars more each year in climate adaptation efforts
Leading climate figures mourn loss of esteemed scientist who played instrumental role in pushing adaptation and Loss and Damage up the COP agenda
Party vows to shore up UK preparedness for extreme flooding events if it wins the next election, led by a new Minister for Resilience in government
Organisations are currently locked into a ‘mitigation mindset’ that ignores adaptation risks, writes Emapsite’s Ben Ruhrmund
Reports of government promotion of unrealistic climate scenarios come as Liberal Democrats accuse Thames Water of deliberately holding back sewage discharge data
The government's National Adaptation Programme for worsening climate impacts should be a wake-up call - yet it seems Ministers are taking a NAP, argues Emma Howard Boyd
Green leaders express disappointment at government's failure to use publication of latest five-year plan to ramp up nationwide climate adaptation efforts
Green Finance Institute highlights major shortfall in funding for infrastructure upgrades that can bolster UK climate resilience