Momentum builds ahead of Glasgow Summit as Saudi Arabia and China unveil new climate plans, but questions remain over whether new funding pledges will go far enough
After 1.8 million farmers from around the world called on governments to follow through on their climate promises, businesses have signed a pledge of support
Hopes grow that COP26 Climate Summit could deliver a breakthrough, after two of the world's biggest emitters deliver key climate pledges
Think tank ODI calculates the UK is providing less than half of its fair share towards the collective $100bn a year target that is likely to prove a major flashpoint at the upcoming COP26 Climate Summit
Climate finance commitments must be met, net zero targets enhanced, and the Paris Agreement finalised, developing countries warn
Green campaigners push climate message in Cornwall, as G7 leaders consider fossil fuel car phase out and climate finance commitments
Paul Polman, Gordon Brown and the Prince of Wales are among those demanding ambitious green commitments from G7 this weekend – will world leaders listen?
String of reports highlights need for UK and other G7 nations to hash out plan to significantly ramp up investments in climate solutions and double down on climate finance at this week's summit
Prime Minister promises to put climate and finance commitments front and centre of upcoming G7 summit in Cornwall
Coalition aims to mobilise $1bn in financing for tropical forest protection and restoration and provide a standardised and verified way for corporates to deliver climate finance