Environmental NGOs urge investment giant to expand its coal exclusion policy to include bigger portion of coal value chain, noting that current ban applies to just 17 per cent of coal companies
Decision not to intervene in planning process for coal mine draws widespread condemnation from politicians and green campaigners amid concerns over project's climate impact
Banks Mining slams 'outrageous' decision to reject opencast coal mine project, but decision is warmly welcomed by climate campaigners
After major drop in recent years coal demand set to rise next year and is unlikely to flatten out until 2025, warns International Energy Agency
Insurance giant sets out wide-ranging new sustainability strategy designed to curb investment in fossil fuel infrastructure, but campaigners argue faster timetable is required
VIDEO: Rugeley coal station has generated electricity for over 50 years, but will soon make way for green homes and job opportinities - BusinessGreen paid a visit
Marking the Paris Agreement's fifth birthday, a summit hosted by the UN alongside the UK, France, Chile and Italy saw a raft of pledges from political and business leaders alike - here are the key takeaways
Despite lockdown generating a steep decline in fossil fuel production, COVID-19 recovery plans risk accelerating it beyond pre-COVID levels, a UN-backed study warns
The coal industry's biggest cheerleader is about to be ousted from the White House and now leading infrastructure players are pledging to no longer provide infrastructure for coal fired power plants
The Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance, which formed in 2019 at the Climate Action Summit in New York, has today warned companies that failure to respond to its position thermal coal could result in divestment