Businesses are keen for David Cameron's government to improve on the previous administration's patchy record on waste management and resource efficiency
Prime Minister is expected to play a leading role at the UN Climate Summit in Paris, but green legacy rests on his ability to navigate a series of diplomatic tests
Mayor predicts Tory government will build on London's carbon-cutting success and prove to be the 'greenest ever'
FInd out who's responsible for Energy, Environment, Climate Change, Transport and more in the new Conservative government
Former Economic Secretary to the Treasury to join Amber Rudd at Department of Energy and Climate Change
Prime Minister confirms Liz Truss will continue as Environment Secretary, as Eric Pickles is moved from Communities brief
With memories of climate sceptic cabinet ministers with responsibility for climate adaptation still raw, green business leaders will be delighted to see Amber Rudd promoted at DECC
Green economy figures praise Rudd's promotion to Energy and Climate Change Secretary but warns there are tough decisions ahead
David Cameron reveals former climate change minister will step up to lead DECC
Renewables industry makes fresh plea for Conservatives to drop plans for a new onshore wind farm ban, as green business groups call for continued climate action