Hubbub and O2 team up to trial new re-use initiative in Southwark, designed to help those without online access during the coronavirus crisis
Just days after Canada unveiled a loan programme for big businesses that mandates climate disclosures, more than 300 US corporates call on both chambers of US Congress for measures to help the country "build back better"
Committee on Climate Change CEO discusses infrastructure, airline bailouts, COP26 and making the best of a bad situation
Revised State Aid rules published by the European Commission on Friday require that large companies report on how they use public funds in line with national and EU green goals, but falls short of mandating climate conditions for stimulus packages
Forum for the Future's Zoe Le Grand sets out five key points for businesses to consider when plotting their a greener future in the post-Covid-19 world
As people slowly return to work following the government's announcement on Sunday, employers can encourage staff to embrace sustainable routes into work by launching cycle-to-work schemes, installing on-site facilities such as bike storage and showers,...
Government launches £250m emergency active travel fund, but campaigners warn Prime Minister's advice to avoid public transport could fuel car-focused recovery
The links between sustainable energy, health and community resilience are clearer than ever, argues Ashden's CEO Harriet Lamb
Backed by high and low carbon businesses alike, the Energy Transitions Commission has outlined seven key priorities for delivering credible, net zero-focused recovery packages
Rebuilding could create a fairer society that reduces the risk of environmental disasters that always hit the vulnerable hardest, writes Hubbub's Trewin Restorick