Government argues revised plan is designed to complement existing 2019 Clean Air Strategy, but critics accuse Ministers of shifting 'all the political risk on to hard-working councillors'
Forestry England and Natural England announce series of new nature projects to mark King Charles' coronation
Government announces plan to put targets to reduce storm overflows on a legal footing, as MPs block Labour's rival bill for tackling water pollution crisis
National Audit Office becomes latest body to warn of risks to natural environment due to lack of effective oversight for green regulations in England
The ongoing row over the UK's sewage spills looks set to be a major issue for local voters, but there are no quick fixes or easy answers to the crisis
The Air Quality Strategy was launched on 11 April with the public consultation running until 21 April
Research by the GFI, backed by Defra and the Bank of England, aims to quantify UK financial and economic risks from exposure to nature degradation
Proposals to ban wet wipes, dole out 'unlimited fines' for law-breaking water companies, and fast-track investment in key infrastructure received mixed response from green groups
The move comes as the government prepares to launch new 'Plan for Water' strategy this week that could see firms potentially face unlimited fines for regulatory breaches
Office for Environmental Protection warns Defra, BEIS, and other departments have not been completing legal-required reviews to assess effectiveness of green laws