People make two common mistakes when it comes to predicting the future, according to Tim Harford, and here's how to avoid them when thinking about the future of energy
New study sets out how an array of onsite generation and energy management technologies can drive the deep decarbonisation of homes and business
Tesco trials show chiller aisles offer possibility of being 'virtual battery' for National Grid
DSR aggregators can now join a voluntary membership scheme, launched last week by the Association for Decentralised Energy
Smart energy storage, green heating and virtual power plants schemes funded across the country to jumpstart local energy revolution
TEPCO - Japan's largest power company - is to use Centrica's demand response technology to provide flexibility services to the grid
Paul Sheffield of Haven Power offers an invaluable guide to how businesses can maximise the savings and revenues that come from generating their own green power
Andrew Warren reflects on the EU's challenge to the UK's capacity market and asks if this really is all about the 'procedural matters' Ministers have claimed
Oil giant continues clean tech investment push with deal to acquire leading demand response specialist for an undisclosed sum
Oil giant continues its expansion into clean tech market with proposed acquisition of Sonnen for an undisclosed sum