EXCLUSIVE: 2016 pilot scheme rewarding firms for increasing energy use during times of peak generation deemed major success, with National Grid indicating it plans to procure double the capacity next summer
Final report from Energy and Climate Change Select Committee calls for a redesign of the Capacity Market to incentivise energy storage and demand side response
Britain set for a 6.6 per cent capacity margin this winter after National Grid secured 3.5GW of backup services
New Green Alliance report sets out proposals for structural changes to capacity market auctions, which would see flexible grid services delivered alongside new capacity
Green Alliance warns cost of upcoming capacity market auction could soar as government focuses on expanding combined cycle gas turbine power plants rather than boosting flexibility
Energy storage specialist launches £4,995 solar and home battery installation deal
National Grid risks jeopardising the UK's smart grid programme by ignoring demand response, argues Living PlanIT's Dan Byles
Leaving demand response out in the cold will only make consumers and the environment worse off
Mid-year review suggests reduction in allowances for gas and electricity transmission, but seeks to grant National Grid more cash for developing demand-side response capacity
Managing director of Sunderland-based Hyperdrive Innovations, Stephen Irish, talks plans for battery storage across land, air, sea, and ice