Electric cars take another step towards the mainstream as auto giant buys into emerging market
President sets out tough new standards designed to cut annual car emissions by 900 metric tons
Obama could seal accord on cutting emissions by autumn
Emission targets watered down to secure support of wavering Democrats, as backers insist bill could still pass this year
Republicans block Obama's nominee for Interior Department appointment in show of anger at administration's efforts to tighten oil and gas regulations
White House downplays memo suggesting concerns over EPA's endangerment finding
President blots his copybook with green groups for the first time
Officials say president Obama will push forward controversial plans for 100 per cent auctioning of carbon allowances, but news reports suggest otherwise
Capitol Hill insiders express confidence over Waxman-Markey climate bill
Agencies release biofuel targets and unveil $1.8bn in funding designed to accelerate switch to second generation fuels