Lee Rowley named as 16th Housing Minister since 2010, as new Ministers appointed at Defra, the Department for Transport, and the Treasury
DfT said investment will continue to help lower fares, improve bus reliability, and prevent service reductions
Expanded e-scooter trial across the capital comes, as reports suggest leading tech partner is to withdraw its e-bike service
Energy Bill includes plans for new consultation on how to boost production and uptake of low carbon aviation fuels
CO2 savings driven by electric vehicles rather than less traffic make net zero city unlikely before 2050, analysis warns
Government edges forward with plans to enable new hydrogen infrastructure, as funding confirmed for two zero emission transport projects in North East England
Government's reliance on rapid uptake of electric vehicles to decarbonise transport without reducing demand amounts to 'risky strategy', Transport Committee warns
New regulations laid in parliament seek to improve consumer experience of public charging and make charge points 'easy and reliable'
Offer will remain available for single bus tickets on over 5,000 routes in England outside London, helping passengers save money and make more sustainable travel choices
Transport Secretary hails adoption of clean technologies as 'maritime's biggest transformation since sail gave way to steam'