The president of the RPS said the group had taken the decision to alter its investment strategy in the latest win for the global divestment campaign
New report from Friends of the Earth reveals none of the major UK pension schemes have plans to divest from fossil fuels
Institutions from 11 countries have joined rapidly-growing fossil fuel divestment movement, Operation Noah confirms
Macquarie, Asian Development Bank, and Church of Scotland all strengthen their restrictions on fossil fuel investments
Analysis from Friends of the Earth and Platform finds three per cent of the total value of the Local Government Pension Scheme is invested in coal, oil and gas
University of Cambridge college outlines net zero plan to ditch millions of pounds of direct and indirect investments in oil and gas
Asset manager steps up climate stewardship as it writes to 30 high-carbon companies in its portfolio to urge them to take action
Banque de France to axe investment in firms generating more than half of their revenue from gas, 10 per cent from oil, and any revenue from coal by 2024
Total number of faith groups to join anti-fossil fuel movement hits 400 as pressure builds on governments to end public funding for oil, coal, and gas projects
Scottish Widows today announced a new exclusions policy targeting firms that derive more than a tenth of their revenue from thermal coal and tar sands