India's devastating heat wave is a harbinger for the climate impacts all businesses will s
Water company spending plans covering 2020-25 are set to see massive new investment in resilience measures
Adaptation is growing in importance as impacts of climate emergency grow, researchers warn
Regulator aims to become net zero by 2030 and is looking at moving to 'absolute zero' by 2050
Thinktank IPPR North warns of leaks, overuse and climate crisis making droughts more likely
Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott ousted, but Australian voters opt to stick with ruling Liberal-National Coalition despite its inaction on climate change
Environment Agency chief calls for use to be cut by a third
Environmental and social problems could interact in global breakdown, report says
Extreme weather events made more common by climate change cost global economy tens of billions of pounds last year
Extreme weather events could increasingly disrupt UK businesses and their supply chains