Major new report warns urgent action needed to stop climate change derailing development efforts
BusinessGreen Plus talks to the Chasing Ice director about climate risk, scepticism, and his next film
Environment Agency and IEMA team up to offer new best practice guide
Frequent and intense weather events in the US cited in climate studies as series of natural disasters plague region
Coalition of 500 scientists says businesses and government must work together to solve water mismanagement
NRDC estimates $100bn was needed to deal with the aftermath of droughts, floods and fires in 2012, representing the biggest non-defence spend in the US budget
BusinessGreen Plus highlights some of the most ambitious efforts to enhance Europe's climate resilience
Cities around Europe may have to erect flood defences similar to the Thames Barrier as tidal surges become more likely
Global warming will make it difficult to raise grapes in traditional wine country, but will shift production to other regions
Country faces more frequent and more severe weather events if it fails to make deep and swift cuts to carbon emissions